December Team Update #3

By: Margaret Reynolds

Today was a special day. We witnessed the flag ceremony before school. The children line up in their uniforms in 5 lines according to age.  They work on getting their spacing just so, each child an arm length behind the one in front. Even the very young go to school.  After they are properly arranged, they sing a song, say a pledge and then raise the flag. The ceremony was precious and we felt privileged to be there to observe.

After we were able to pull ourselves away, we made the trip to Bon Bon, a small town not far from Jeremie. It is a quaint town, very tidy, with streets filled with school children in their uniforms, mothers waiting to pick them up at bus stops and the days commerce. We walked the future church grounds and shared a blessing for the land and for all that is to come upon that land.  We know in our hearts it will bring great things for the people of Haiti and those that love them.

It was back to the orphanage after lunch. Our small but mighty group had a great day loving on children. Several commented in devotion tonight that it was their best day yet. We are getting to know the personalities of the children better as they become more comfortable with those of us that are new. We continue to meet more children each day as we try to spread ourselves around to make sure no one is forgotten. That can be hard to do as those children who “claim you” for the week  don’t always like to share.  There is plenty of love to go around, however.

Today there were several special “events” not a part of the worship, crafts and snack session. Fingernails were painted, there was an impromptu soccer practice and Josiah played strongman seeing how many kids could hang on him at once!  Some special highlights to share:

  • A laugh from a child that so far has not even smiled
  • A hug for a child that was sitting alone at the back of the church feeling unloved
  • A tour of a mattress and a small duffel bag that constituted the entire “personal belongings” of one child, yet proudly shared with their new friend
  • A typed message on a cell phone that said “I love you” in English

Each and every one of those moments is priceless as we realize the only common language anyone needs is one of love. Our group is so impressed and humbled each day by the spontaneity, openness, sharing, humility, and pure joy these children lavish on us. We feel so cared for by those with so little, yet they freely give it and we can never repay them. That is such a humbling feeling. For those of you who have come, you know you get so much more than you can possibly give.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you from Long Hollow that support this mission. It is an honor to be here and those of you who have labored to set up this ministry, the seamless process for serving here and established the strong bond with the children have allowed people like me to come and serve so effortlessly. I realize I am readily accepted because of the relationships these children have had with those of you who came before.  Unfortunately, I cannot find the words to say thank you adequately. Every moment here is a treasure that I will carry with me forever.  Thank you.

One thought on “December Team Update #3

  1. Candace says:

    Great update!!! The children of Haiti are the future of Haiti and loving them into that future will have amazing fruit!!

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