New Lessons

Blog post by: Trey Emerson

God never ceases to teach me new lessons every trip I make to Haiti. Along with “Mama Cindy” on our fourth trip, this is my first non-medical trip and the first trip for my daughter Faulkner, my son Austin, and my niece Sally. What an incredible thing to share!

Without my stethoscope in hand, I felt a little like a fifth wheel. I had often wondered what “normal” people did when they came to Jeremie and now I know! VBS! VBS! VBS!

Where I used to measure success in Jeremie in terms of number of patients treated or orphans immunized, I now was counting decisions for Christ and smiles on faces. I still got to do a few medical things along with Jeannie Swafford and a great group of “volunteers,” but this time I couldn’t help but hear the eternal chorus celebrating instead of hearing, “why why why!” “mes amies!”and “Jezi!” from the lungs of orphans crying during their shots!

Storms last night left us with a breathtaking palette at sunset, but also a wrecked truck from slippery roads (Dou Dou was not hurt!). I am so thankful that God has blessed us with him. He is the definition of a servant spirit!

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