Tagged with Uganda

The Rescue

Easter is coming.

This is a big day for those of us who claim Jesus as savior. It’s the day when we celebrate sacrifice, glory, salvation and grace.

This year our church has added a very special element to our Easter celebration. The Rescue.

The Rescue encompasses everything that Easter represents. The Rescue is our way of responding to the Grace we have been shown through the death and resurrection of Christ. The Rescue boldly proclaims that without Christ we have nothing. We have been rescued from our sin and we can only respond in obedience; sharing the news of Jesus Christ… reaching those who are enslaved or persecuted and protecting the most innocent and vulnerable people in our world.


God loves them. His heart breaks for them.

As should ours.

I pray that as a church we show up in big ways this Easter. I pray that we can take a stand against the wicked acts of the world. When you prepare your heart for giving this Easter weekend please remember that your gift, your act of worship, will extend far beyond the walls of this church.

The Rescue offering includes the following initiatives:

The Home for Orphan infants and preschoolers in Uganda

Disaster Relief equipment for local outreach

Tin Roofs in Haiti

A home for our ministry partner in Haiti

Unreached People Groups in North Africa

Sustainable revenue and nutrition projects in Haiti

A second Hendersonville Campus

Daily food and care for orphan children in Uganda and Haiti

The fight against Sex Slavery in Asia/India

Education/University in Haiti

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Uganda Medical Update

We have been doing clinic in Mbira Uganda for two days now. We have been able to care for many elderly villagers, 32 of our orphan children and 100 church and community members who wouldn’t have access to medical care without the team. We begin wide-scale village clinic tomorrow and expect to see about 400 more people over the next three days. We have been blessed with good health and energy, keep praying!


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